Today I tried installing the Tizen SDK (tizen-sdk-ubuntu64-v2.2.71.bin) on Ubuntu 12.04. The installation script exited complaining that it requires Oracle JDK instead of OpenJDK ("OpenJDK is not supported. Try again with Oracle JDK.").
This is a bit annoying, because OpenJDK comes with Ubuntu per default and Oracle JDK is not in the repositories any more. It seems, the installer's requirement is merely a policy and not an actual technical requirement. The installation does succeed even with the OpenJDK, if the following lines are commented out in the installation script:
# check the default java as OpenJDK ##
if [ "ubuntu" = "${OS_NAME}" ] ; then
CHECK_OPENJDK=`java -version 2>&1 | egrep -e OpenJDK`
if [ -n "${CHECK_OPENJDK}" ] ; then
echo "${CE} OpenJDK is not supported. Try again with Oracle JDK. ${CN}"
exit 1
The installation and basic usage of the IDE seem to work without problems after this. The OpenJDK version used was 1.6.0_27.