
"Distributed" Video Mass Converting

Assume the following situation that occurred to me recently:

There is a slow computer A with lots of disk space (eg. an old computer that is used as a NAS) and a faster computer B with only little disk space. A holds gigabytes of video clips in many different files that you want to do some CPU intense processing on, eg. re-encoding to another video format.

So what you probably want to do for every video clip is the following:
1. download video clip from A to B
2. process video clip on B
3. upload converted clip from B to A
4. delete original (and converted) clip on B

It is assumed that B can ssh/scp into A and that public key authentication is used. Otherwise it would be necessary to enter the password for every individual file. Moreover it is assumed that A and B are connected by a sufficiently fast network.

 A simple script (runs on B) that was used to perform the steps 1-4 can be found here. An additional example script is provided that uses ffmpeg to scale video clips down to 720p.

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